What you ought to know: GRAMMAR

All verb tenses and forms
The use of the perfect tense
The use of the modals
Gerunds and infinitives
The use and forms of the modal perfect
The conditional: Real and Unreal
The rule of 'IF'
The rule of 'Wish'
The noun clause
The reported speech
The adjective clause
The adverb clause
The use of phrases
The passive voice
Count and non-count nouns
Direct and indirect objects
Subject-verb agreement
Pronoun reference
The prepositions
The use of articles
Participial adjectives
The subjunctive: The doctor recommended that I see him immediately
The use of coordinators: and, but, or, nor, yet, for , so
The use of subordinators: because, although, even though
The use of relative pronouns: which, who, whoever, whom, that, whose
Application in editing
What you ought to know: Writing
The difference between writing and speaking
The paragraph
The essay
The topic sentence
The thesis statement
The effective introduction
The conclusion
Supporting details
The rhetorical patterns
The organizational forms of essays
Sentence skills Transitions
Logic and relevance
Subject-verb agreement
Word choice
Wordiness, clichs, and slang
Dangling and misplaced modifiers
The use of clauses and phrases
Thinking about your topic
Developing an outline
Using resources
Time planning