The Party
My friend invited me 
to a party, 
A very wild one. 

It scared me, 
So I told him
I won't have fun. 

He said it would be better, 
If I had some alcohol. 

I said no way with dignity, 
I'd wanted to go to the mall. 

I left out that door 
into my car, 
And sat and thought 
a little while. 

Someone should have told him, 
To stop and hike the mile. 

And when I started my car, 
I felt and heard a loud  bang. 

I felt my head spinning, 
And my ears were really ringing, 
As I closed my eyes to sleep. 

Someone should have told him, 
Because he caused that accident. 

And now I will be dying, 
For I am lying on the ground. 

With cuts over my body, 
And blood all around. 
 Someone should have told him, 
Not to drink and drive ...